Turkish Bath


Come to Hamam, the Turkish bath, for a traditional health and beauty treatment that is right up to date.

In the warm soft air, strip to your underpants and wrap in the soft peştemal (bath towel) provided. Relax as the bath attendants take you through the traditional process. It begins with soaking in warm water, followed with a vigorous scrub to remove old skin. Next is the delicious soft massage with mounds of soap foam, providing a total cleansing. Oil massage comes next, to leave you totally relaxed from head to toe. Complete your blissful experience by resting a while with a glass of herb or fruit tea - there is no hurry in hamam.

The Turkish bath is part of a long tradition. The first hamams originated in Arabia, and bath culture was a central part of Roman life. In Ottoman and Turkish culture, bathrooms were not necessary in private homes - hamams were available to people of all statuses. In many cities the public hamams were exquisitely beautiful architectural spaces, used not only for health and hygiene, but also as the setting for social activities. Men and women visited separate sections and could expect to spend a relaxed time with friends. In some places the hamam is associated with the Mevlana tradition - inheritors of Rumi's philosophy.

The combination of warm and cool bathing combined with vigorous scrubbing and massage is believed to have a purifying effect on all body systems with the removal of toxins, increase in blood circulation, and stimulus of the immune system. It is certain that you will feel better mentally and physically after a session in a Turkish bath.

We recommend that you bring a change of clothes to feel totally refreshed by your bathing experience.


Inclusions & Exclusions

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